
Viser innlegg fra januar, 2020

Mark har oppdatert sin APP

Overcomingpain Based on EMDR   By Mark Grant MA   Overcomingpain uses recent discoveries from brain science to deliver strategies that target the brain processes that maintain chronic pain. More than just words, the meditations and exercises in this app incorporate a unique combination of bilateral stimulation focused attention and sensory-emotional stimulus. Bilateral stimulation is a treatment element of EMDR and uses sensory stimulation to change physical emotional and cognitive processes associated with chronic pain.  The app comprises three playlists for controlling pain and associated stress that can maintain pain; Mental Healing strategies, Sensory Healing strategies and Stress Management. The first two playlists use ascending and descending pain pathway strategies. Mental Healing strategies (playlist 1) relies on brain-based descending pain pathways with strategies such as guided imagery, bilateral stimulation and sensory processing to alleviate physical discomf